
Friday, 13 July 2018

Most Effective Natural Cancer Treatments

1. The Gerson Therapy and Juicing:

How the Gerson Therapy Works
The Gerson Therapy targets the most significant metabolic requirements in your body. How? Believe it or not, this therapy allows you to reap the nutritional benefits of consuming 15–20 pounds of organically grown fruits and vegetables each day! Here’s the breakdown:
  • The Gerson Diet – Consisting of eating only organic fruits, vegetables and sprouted ancient grains, the Gerson Diet is exceptionally rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It’s also very low in fats, proteins and sodium. The meal plan advises cancer patients to drink 13 glasses of freshly prepared juice, eat three plant-based meals, and only snack on fresh fruits each day. Also, the traditional Gerson Therapy recommends consuming raw beef liver since it is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet and extremely high in vitamin B12.
  • Juicing – According to the Gerson Institute, “Fresh pressed juice from raw foods provides the easiest and most effective way of providing high quality nutrition.” The cancer-fighting protocol calls for patients to drink fresh vegetables each day, including raw carrots or apples and green-leaf juice. To preserve the nutritional content, the juice should be prepared hourly using a two-step juicer or a masticating juicer used with a separate hydraulic press. This helps prevent denaturation — when vitamins, minerals and enzymes are destroyed. (Most commercial juicers spin so fast that they heat up juice to the point they are basically pasteurized!)Image result for fresh vegetable juice
  • Detoxification – The Gerson Therapy utilizes coffee enemas as the primary method of detoxing the body by increasing the parasympathetic nervous system. For cancer patients, this may take up to five enemas each day. The importance of keeping the body free of toxins is stressed
The moment a patient is put on the full therapy, the combined effect of the food, the juices and the medication causes the immune system to attack and kill tumor tissue, besides working to flush out accumulated toxins from the body tissues. This great clearing-out procedure carries the risk of overburdening and poisoning the liver — the all-important organ of detoxification, which, in a cancer patient, is bound to be already damaged and debilitated.

  • Supplements – The Gerson Therapy recommends the following organic medicinal therapies:
    • Lugol’s solution
    • Pancreatic enzymes
    • Potassium compound
    • Thyroid hormone
    • Vitamin B12
2. The Budwig Protocol:

How the Budwig Protocol Works
When you replace deadly processed fats and oils with life-giving unsaturated/saturated fatty acids, your cells rebuild and are rejuvenated. Dr. Budwig found that consuming a mixture of cottage cheese, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil had the best results.
When cottage cheese (which is rich in sulfur protein and saturated fats) and flax (which is high in electron-rich unsaturated fatty acids) are combined this way, your body is able to absorb these vital nutrients easier and quicker.
My “Beyond Budwig” Recipe
Because of the changes in agriculture, I suggest this updated 21st century version of the Budwig Protocol:
  • 6 ounces cultured dairy (cottage cheese, goat’s milk kefir or amasai)
  • 4 tablespoons sprouted and ground chia or flax
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Image result for Beyond Budwig” RecipeMix all the ingredients together in bowl or blender and consume once daily.